Tag: radicalesbians

  • Why lesbian separatism is not escapist

    Why lesbian separatism is not escapist

    There is a false narrative in the feminist community that lesbian separatism is escapist.  There are legitimate criticisms–utopianism, rigidity, alienation–but the belief that lesbian separatism is escapism, running away into the bush, leaving the rest of womankind behind to fend for themselves against patriarchy, seems to stick the most. Lesbian separatism is meaningful lesbian-centred action.…

  • Lesbian Feminist Spirituality of the 1970s

    Lesbian Feminist Spirituality of the 1970s

    One of my favorite lesbian stereotypes is our love for astrology. One would be hard pressed to find a lesbian without their sun sign in their social media bios, let alone their entire star chart. Tarot, crystals, and witchcraft just seem so inherently lesbian. So how did the New Age and lesbianism become linked? For…

  • The Lesbian Pinball: Gay Liberation vs Women’s Liberation

    The Lesbian Pinball: Gay Liberation vs Women’s Liberation

    Lesbians are pulled between solidarity with gay men, because of homophobia, and straight women, because of misogyny. We have prioritised solidarity with gay men or straight women at different points in history, depending on the contextual concerns.