Category: Feminism

  • How Should We Tell the Stories of “Bad” Lesbians from History in a Culture of Us vs. Them?

    How Should We Tell the Stories of “Bad” Lesbians from History in a Culture of Us vs. Them?

    How do we write on complex, even harmful, lesbians from history in the age of “us vs. them”? How do we present the facts in a way that doesn’t omit the person or the truth? Is writing on a person from history ever objective, considering the historian has their own interests, motives and interpretations, and…

  • The Male Gaze and Lesbian Censorship in Film

    The Male Gaze and Lesbian Censorship in Film

    It’s of little surprise to most sapphic movie buffs that Hollywood doesn’t have the best track record when it comes to positive lesbian representation. From the widespread trope of “bury your gays” to the equally widespread phenomenon of gay-baiting, it can be hard out there for a film loving dyke. Hays Code A lot of…

  • Today’s Lavender Menace: Why do lesbians support gay men?

    Today’s Lavender Menace: Why do lesbians support gay men?

    I received a lot of support after I wrote The Lesbian Pinball: Gay Liberation vs. Women’s Liberation in August 2021. Lesbian feminists from all over the world resonated with the conflict: we simultaneously support gay men and women but it is hard to navigate gay and feminist spaces without our intersectional experience, being both homosexual…

  • Lesbian Feminist Spirituality of the 1970s

    Lesbian Feminist Spirituality of the 1970s

    One of my favorite lesbian stereotypes is our love for astrology. One would be hard pressed to find a lesbian without their sun sign in their social media bios, let alone their entire star chart. Tarot, crystals, and witchcraft just seem so inherently lesbian. So how did the New Age and lesbianism become linked? For…