Category: Today
Should dangerously homophobic countries get to host global competitions?
There is no sport more synonymous with freedom than surfing. You can fight me on this. Surfers harness the waves despite the unknown deep below, tapping into the human urge to go “weeeeee!” while somehow controlling our mortal fears. Sometimes, I can’t leave my bedroom – usually after hearing of another woman murdered by a…
Off the Calendar: What does Trump’s billionaire boys’ club mean for lesbians?
I’m the first to admit that I find months dedicated to the classes I belong to, such as Pride month, performative and kind of cringe. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not against Pride gatherings or even the odd parade here or there, so long as capitalists do not sponsor them. They don’t really give a…
Flamboyance and Fortitude: Butch-Femme Relationships in 2024
Butch-Femme relationships play an important role in lesbian history. What does the Butch-Femme relationship mean today?
‘I Kissed a Girl’ is better than ‘The Ultimatum: Queer Love’
What do you think of when you read the words “I kissed a girl”? I hope it’s not the song by Katy Perry from 2008, where the singer portrays female same-sex desire as something for the male gaze. I hope it’s the recently aired BBC television show hosted by Dannii Minogue. I Kissed a Girl…
Why lesbian separatism is not escapist
There is a false narrative in the feminist community that lesbian separatism is escapist. There are legitimate criticisms–utopianism, rigidity, alienation–but the belief that lesbian separatism is escapism, running away into the bush, leaving the rest of womankind behind to fend for themselves against patriarchy, seems to stick the most. Lesbian separatism is meaningful lesbian-centred action.…
Why is lesbian culture and community important?
It is unequivocally healthy and normal to find a sense of belonging in your lesbianism. Many people grow roots in their marginalised cultures because the world is harsh to the oppressed and a relatable community heals us.
Is lesbian separatism possible in 2023?
Q&A style posts on are an opportunity for readers to ask questions that serve as prompting topics for LH to write about. Questions can be advice-based, about our hot takes, asking whether we’ll cover a certain event or figure from history, or about lesbian news and media – you name it. Send your questions/prompts…
Lesbian Media Lesbians Love
*Updated June 8, 2024* We asked our supporters for their favourite lesbian movies, television shows, video games, apps, podcasts, YouTubers, books, artists, websites, musicians, magazines, and any other lesbian media they love. Because authors at LH haven’t engaged with all of this media, we cannot guarantee the politics or enjoyability behind each suggestion. Some of…
Lesbian Visibility Week 2023: Female Homosexuality is Not Bigoted
For Lesbian Day of Visibility 2023, the team behind HER’s social media celebrated by calling lesbians bigots for only finding the female sex attractive. This should go without saying, for anyone who is not a raging homophobe: lesbianism is not a choice, let alone discrimination against the male sex. You would think this poor treatment…
Boston Marriages and the Language of Lesbian Relationships
Maybe it was two women in your history textbook. Maybe it was your unmarried great aunt and her live-in ‘best friend’. We are all familiar with the story: two women are designated close friends by historians, family members and society, despite the pair’s decision to unite and entwine their lives like any marriage between a…